Organic Farming More Profitable
I was making my usual rounds on the internet the other day and came across a new study done in Minnesota to determine the economic incentives to switch to organic farming over methods currently being used in the majority of the Midwest.
Organic Is More Profitable
The basic conclusion of the four year study done by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) was that a 130 acre farm could increase it's profitability by switching to organic growing methods. This study is particularly credible given that they factored in transitional risks such as a learning curve and increased amounts of weeds during the learning period. This is great stuff and I encourage you to read the full article by clicking the link in the opening paragraph. I think that's hilarious.
PS This is entirely off the topic, but I read about a company that offers an inflatable male passenger for women who feel insecure about driving alone at night. They are using this as a gimmick for their main business of giving out a auto insurance quote and then trying to sign you up.